Dive Mentor offers two different Internship Pathways for divers who dream of becoming Dive Professionals—fee based, which the majority of students apply for, and work exchanges. In all cases, you’ll learn everything required to earn your credential.
We know that you’re going to have a lot of questions when it comes time to choose a program that best suits your needs. If what you need to know is not included here, please feel free to reach out to us.
In this kind of Divemaster Internships, the student trades time and labor for a partial or significant reduction of the tuition costs. These are often advertised as being “free” by companies, but they are nothing of the sort. In all cases, you will have to invest your time, effort, and funds into becoming a Divemaster. There is no way around it, so it’s important you realize that in the beginning.
With a fee-based Internships, the student pays for the entire course as if attending a vocational school. This is the most common type of Divemaster Internship in the industry by a considerable margin. It also has some serious time and economic benefits.
Depending on your perspective, there are some rather obvious pros and cons that revolve around costs, time, and labor when you are looking at different types of Divemaster Internships available on the market. For fee-based Internships you will have to invest more funds up front, whereas, with a work exchange Internship you will invest a considerable amount more of your time and labor. But make no mistake about it, you will also have to invest actual money to accomplish your goal of becoming a Divemaster even if you are in a work exchange program.
The Time Factor
Let’s suppose an Open Water diver applies and is accepted to a fee based Divemaster Internship. Upon arrival, that student normally focuses entirely on academics and skill development, which leads them quickly towards the next certification. At least in our cases, we see our standard Interns excel through the courses. Within a handful of days, they’ve already completed their Advanced and then the roll right into Rescue. By the time 4-8 weeks has rolled around, they’re a Divemaster and can go work in the industry.
Those Interns who are in work exchange programs (normally advertised as being free) are on a much slower track because they must spend 20-40 hours (or more) per week on other duties. As a consequence, their progression is much slower than Interns who pay for their program. In fact, the average work-exchange Internship takes six (6) full months from either non-diver or Open Water.
It is true, not all Divemaster Internships are as focused or organized as ours; we do not waste time, and want to ensure our Interns progress. But it is fair to assume that the majority of fee based Internships will be much faster than the so-called free ones.
In our case, students who paid for their program in advance will actually have upwards of four (4) full months to work as a Divemaster in the industry where they can earn an income and build more experience.
The Truth About Free
You’ve probably heard it said that nothing is life is truly free. That certainly applies to Internships too.
Work exchange Interns can expect to spend 20-40 (or more) hours per week on other duties over the course of four (4) to six (6) full months. At a minimum, you will spend twice as long to earn your Divemaster credential as those students who simply get a job, save up, and pay for their course up front. In most cases though, it takes three times as long in a work exchange Internship—anywhere, with any school.
Students who pay for their Internship are at a distinct advantage; they use that time to complete their studies and tend to graduate within two months, giving them upwards of a four (4) month advantage over other Divemaster candidates in the work place. But that’s not all.
What many of the free Internships fail to tell you is that you still have to pay for things like flights, housing, food, membership dues, and books and materials. This can add up to thousands more that you never realized you were going to have to pay out.
What We Do Differently
We are always looking for a win-win. One of the biggest advantages we provide is free, clean, safe housing to all of our Interns on a first-come, first served basis. This helps reduce over all costs—even for fee based Interns (who make up the vast majority of our Divemaster candidates). We also tell you all the fees up front, and provide a cost analysis of other schools to help you make a more informed decision. To be clear though, we offer very few work-exchange opportunities. You really have to be a special candidate, who is motivated, dedicated, and capable of accomplishing tasks assigned to you.
Former President Theodore Roosevelt famously said, “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well.”
We understand the value of hard work and accomplishment, and that is something we want you to understand too. Nothing good comes easy; when you work for it, you reap the rewards of your efforts. All of us have earned our professional credentials, so we truly understand the decisions you have to make and we’ll do our best to help you accomplish your goals. But if you’re just looking for a free ride, we are no the right school for you.
Our work-exchange Internships for Divemaster Candidates vary from time to time. Generally speaking though, we tend to offer three main kinds: 1) Sales and Marketing Internship; 2) Social Media Internship; and 3) Marine Conservation Impact Internship. We have moved the available Internship openings to the Jobs & Opportunities page for consolidation. If you’d like to learn more, please click on the button:
It may seem trite, but the truth is—you can find Divemaster work. The Divemaster credential is recognized worldwide by every dive operation you’ll ever find. Duties include, but are not limited to planning, organizing, and leading recreational dives, particularly in a professional (ie., paid) capacity. In almost all cases, a Divemaster has supervisory responsibility for a group of divers. Most dive shops, schools, and other dive operations need Divemasters because they play critical roles in those organizations. However, there are other employment opportunities worth looking into. For instance:
- NASA hires Divemasters as Safety Divers to protect astronauts at the Neutral Buoyancy Lab in Houston, TX
- Cruise Ships hire Divemasters to take passengers diving or to work as safety divers for water-based shows
- Military programs (such as Egress training) hire Divemasters
- Major aquariums (Denver, Houston, etc) hire Divemasters to peform in shows, act as safety divers, or to conduct inspections
- Hotels hire Divemasters to conduct basic inspections of water shows
- Divemasters work in Public Safety with Police and Fire Department
- NOAA has Divemasters on staff who work in scientific diving
- Divemasters work as underwater photographers
- Divemasters work in the movie and television industry to supervise filming and safety
- You could even start your own business as a hull cleaner or golf ball retriever
- And the list goes on
You’ll learn a lot more about your options for employment during your Divemaster Internship.
Simply put, there’s absolutely nothing like being a dive professional. Divemasters play an incredibly important role in the industry, working with new divers and guiding them to the most exciting and awe-inspiring dive locations in the world. Divmasters are respected, admired, and looked up to be other divers.
But let’s be clear, you won’t just be a divemaster, you’ll be a Dive Mentor Divemaster. We believe in an exchange in abundance. In other words, you’ll always get more from us than you possibly imagined. Our interns learn more than diving, they learn leadership, business, marketing, sales, customer service, and other skills they can take with them anywhere. When looking at Divemaster Internship programs, this is an important thing to look at.
We accept applications from anyone interested in becoming a contributing member of the dive community. No scuba diving certification is required, but generally, we find that most successful candidates already have earned Open Water certification.
You must love the water, love the environment, care about others, and it’s a good idea to be in shape or be committed to becoming physically fit. But the most important thing we look for is someone who is driven, willing to learn, humble themselves, and approach the Internship with enthusiasm, dedication, and commitment.
Generally, candidates are 21 years or older when they start the Internship. However, in rare instances, we will accept an younger applicants who display an exceptional attitude, aptitude, and promise.
Where do we start? There’s just so much to share!
This Caribbean Residential Divemaster Internship program combines professional diver training, fun diving, marine sciences, culture, tourism, food, arts, and language all in one. This is one of Dive Mentor’s premiere Vocational programs designed to inspire and challenge you with amazing hands on learning experiences.
Some highlights of your program include:
- Regularly dive one of the most spectacular reef systems on the entire planet
- Earn multiple scuba diving certifications recognized internationally
- Go on night dives and experience bioluminescence
- Learn what “tranquilo” means first hand while relaxing on white sand beaches
- Plan, setup, and run recreational dives with other divers
- Master more than 24 critically important skills
- Assist scuba instructors during training programs with students
- develop your skills as a dive guide, and learn how to run tours
- Conduct deep dives up to 30 meters
- Complete advanced medical training and earn additional certifications
- Take apart and service scuba equipment
- Visit a local hospital, take a tour, and learn about a decompression chamber
- And so much more!
The most important part of any successful program is ensuring you gain the knowledge, understanding, and experience required to not only become a certified divemaster, but to succeed as one. Simply “checking the boxes” is, in our view, simply insufficient. We believe we have a moral responsibility to you to help you obtain the highest levels possible and to thrive as a divemaster, so you’re the professional everyone respects and looks to. We don’t just create divemasters, we create fully equipped professional dive leaders.
During your Divemaster Internship (no matter if you’re in a fee-based or work-exchange program) you’ll not only earn internationally recognized scuba certifications, but you’ll also earn documented community service hours. This model of “study and service” is designed more to serve as accomplishments you add to your resume or hang on your wall, but as foundational experiences that help you define the person you want to be for the rest of your life. There’s just nothing like this program.

Dive Mentor’s Divemaster Internship is structured to ensure that no matter what level you come to us at, you leave with all of the requisite skills, experience, knowledge, and ability required to perform at the highest levels as a Professional in the dive industry. We do not skimp on training, and we do not allow candidates to “check the boxes”. While many candidates are able to finish their coursework fairly quickly, it should be fairly obvious that you don’t want to rush through the program just so you can get a certification.
It should be noted that a piece of paper demonstrates you complete what was required at the time it was issued, but it does not ensure continued competence, and competence is critical. We live in the real world, and we know students often store vital information in their short-term memory so they can pass an exam, only to forget 70-80% the next day. Our goal is to create Divemasters that are intimately connected to the course material.
Fast Tracking (+/- 8 Days)
Many potential Divemaster Internship applicants ask us if they can accelerate their certification process. The fact is, exceptional and experienced divers can indeed earn their Divemaster Credential in as little as eight days, working full time, all day, every day. That’s without any shortcuts of any kind. However, we intimately understand how to manage time and ensure that our efforts are efficient and effective. Please keep in mind that our Divemaster Internship exceeds industry standards, and is an incredibly rigorous program that we reserve for the most talented and brightest candidates. Only those individuals who possess the drive, focus, dedication, and self-discipline will succeed—especially at an accelerated pace.
New or Non-Divers (+/- 45 Days)
For those candidates who have never dove before, or brand new Open Water certified divers with minimal experience will require more time, even at a rigorous pace. Successful applicants at this level who become Divemaster Candidates can expect between 6-8 weeks (or more) to complete their Divemaster Internship. Generally, we estimate around 45 full days but the time varies on a number of factors. Our modular system and online delivery can accelerate the process by allowing us to focus on in-water training when you arrive at a dive center.
Advanced Divers (+/- 30 Days)
The term “advanced” as it applies to diver certification levels can be bit of a misnomer. Possessing such a certification from a recognized agency does not in of itself ensure that a diver actually possesses advanced skills, experience, or knowledge. What is signifies is that the diver advanced their skills, so they were exposed to different types of diving in an effort to build on their previous experience. It is true that in some cases, divers do come to us with a high level of proficiency, but it should be said that this is a rarity. The Divemaster Internship will bring your skills to an exceedingly high level that is commiserate with that which should be expected of a professional a Divemaster. For that reason, those who come to us with Advanced Adventurer or Advanced Open Water certification can expect to spend anywhere between 21 and 45 days in the program.
Rescue Diver (+/- 21 Days)
More often than not, Rescue divers have already completed their Advanced program with a recognized agency. That isn’t always the case, but statistically we find it to be fairly common place. As such, we expect someone at this level to spent approximately three solid weeks rounding off their education and training. However, because rescue skills are so important, all of our Divemaster candidates are required to go through all of the skills required for Rescue Diver certification, as well as, learn more advanced techniques that will ensure their competency should a dive emergency take place.
For instance, every Divemaster we produce earns provider level certification for Basic Life Support (BLS), Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Pediatric Life Support (PALS), First Aid, Emergency Oxygen, and training in bloodborne pathogens. The provider level is professional level training, which is the same required for EMTs, Paramedics, Nurses, and Physicians. Courses such as React Right and Emergency First Response (EFR) provided excellent foundational training for divers, but are at the laymen level. We provide these upgraded certifications at no additional charge to you.
Additional Training (+/- 1-7 Days)
If you opt-in for additional training, such as that offered in the Add-On Bundles—you can expect to add anywhere between one and seven days to your over-all program stay. This of course, depends on the training or speciality you sign up for and how quickly you complete the academics and in-water work required. Generally speaking, we expect about a week of additional work for both our Blue and Green speciality course bundles, respectively.
What if I Want to Become an Instructor
Provided you meet the prerequisites, you would be welcome to extend your stay to attend our Instructor Training Course. (ITC). Generally speaking, our structured ITCs is two weeks long and begins around the 17th of any month one is scheduled. You would also be required to spend two additional days completing an Instructor Examination (IE), which is generally conducted right after you finished your Instructor Training. This would put you on site for roughly 16 more days. From a scheduling perspective, this is worth keeping in mind. If you are interested in doing both your Divemaster and Instructor Training with us, please reach out to us so we can discuss your needs and how best for your to proceed.
Assessing Your Background
Once you submit an application, we review your background, experience, educational level, and goals. These and other factors are all considered during the evaluation process to decide if you should be awarded an Internship slot. If you’re accepted, an instructor will then sit down with you and work out a detailed, personalized, professional plan to ensure your success. At that point, it is easier for us to gauge how long your program is likely to take.
For those who are coming to us from other organizations we consider you a valuable part of the dive community and we can transfer your current certification level to a comparable diving level with no additional time or charges.
Dive Mentor exceeds the industry standards required for you to become a Divemaster. We take your training very seriously. You not only represent yourself as a divemaster, but you also represent Dive Mentor. It’s important to us that you truly become the best dive professional you can.
At a minimum, you must complete the following:
- Pass a water fitness test
- Complete Open Water Training
- Complete Advanced Open Water Training
- Complete Primary and Secondary Care Training
- Complete Advanced Cardiac Life Support
- Complete Intensive Rescue Training
- Complete Dive Guiding Core Training
- Complete Science of Diving Curriculum
- Complete Divemaster Core Training
- Have 60+ logged dives
- Meet all agency requirements
Dive Mentor offers limited spots for Divemaster Trainees during each cycle. Therefore, we are very selective. You will be required to complete a comprehensive application process, that may take several weeks. Each application goes to an Admissions Committee and is evaluated based on the information you provide. Additionally, because Divemaster Candidates work with children and teens, we will conduct a criminal background check.
We strongly encourage applicants to be thorough and to provide our team with as much relevant information as possible so we can make an informed decision. For that reason, we encourage you to apply early as this allows ample time should we require additional information from you. We also require a non-disclosure agreement, which protects the confidentiality and privacy of both parties, and an Internship Agreement that spells our respective obligations.
No application will be processed without the submission of all required documentation.
For those who are coming to us from other organizations, we consider you a valuable part of the dive community and in most cases we can transfer your current certification level to a comparable diving level with us at no additional cost and with little or no additional training.
Our goal is to help you become the best SCUBA diver possible. The more you learn, the better you’ll become. During the Internship, time permitting, you may also be able to earn a number of diver specialities (at an additional cost) or ancillary training including, but not limited to:
- Enriched Air Diver (NITROX)
- Deep Diver Specialist
- Wreck Diver Specialist
- Underwater Media Diver
- Advanced Medical Responder
- ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support)
- Diver Medic
But, it’s not just limited to “diving” based learning. Because we want to help you become the best, we also require our Interns to learn about business, marketing, sales, and most importantly, leadership. Divemasters are leaders, not just guides. They’re influencers, not just dive buddies. Divemasters play an incredibly important role in the industry, and we take our role as your Dive Mentor very seriously.
Yes. If you are doing a work-exchange, you will still be required to handle some basic fees that are not included. We require a non-refundable deposit of $1000 USD to book your spot in the Divemaster Internship program, in advance. Why? Because we only accept serious candidates who are willing to put their money where their mouth is, so to speak. If we take all the risk, it’s easy to be taken advantage of. So we expect Interns to be willing to take a little risk too. If you complete your Internship, the funds will be refunded to you at the end of your program. If you do not, the deposit is forfeited. We can work with you on spreading the deposit out, but no spots can be held for Interns until the deposit is paid, and any offer may be withdrawn. If you accept an offer for an Internship, the final payment for any fees you may incur during the program can be paid in intervals. We prefer bank transfers, but will accept major credit cards through PayPal. Cash in USD or local currency is also accepted at an exchange rate to be determined at the time of payment. Terms and conditions must be met in all cases.
Your security and safety is our number one priority, without exception. Every program goes through an extensive risk assessment in an effort to identify and mitigate any possible issues that could arise during your time with us. Each program also has specific risk management, safety standards, and procedures that must be adhered to by all members of staff. Dive Mentor’s senior staff responsible for our safety and security policies have extensive training and experience garnered from serving in the armed forces, law enforcement, in private security, and as part of emergency response teams at the highest levels in a variety of environments internationally. Further, all staff regardless of position or level are required to pass strict background checks. They are then heavily trained to handle safety, security, and medical emergencies. As a consequence we’re proud to say that we have a perfect safety record.
During this once-in-a-lifetime residential Divemaster Internship program, you’ll be living in the heart of the Caribbean Sea on the Island of Cozumel. Our Dive House is in a safe, authentic neighborhood just a short walk from the water, tons of attractions, stores, and even two movie cinemas that play the newest releases.
Located just off the Eastern Coast of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, directly across from Playa del Carmen—Cozumel sits like an Emerald jewel against the incredibly azure blue background of the Caribbean Sea. While it’s only 11 miles wide and 32 miles long, Cozumel is by far the most populated islands in the entire Caribbean, but its by far one of the safest tourist destinations you can visit.
Ever since the world renowned underwater explorer Jacques Cousteau was introduced by locals to the beauty of Palancar Reef in 1960, the island has enjoyed a steady growth of tourism. For decades, scuba divers have flocked to it’s warm, crystal clear waters to enjoy amazing coral formations and the plentiful marine life. These coral reefs are protected from the open ocean by the island’s natural geography, so in an effort to preserve (and conserve) the area for generations to come, the Mexican government established the Cozumel Reefs National Marine Park, forbidding anyone from touching or removing any marine life within the park boundaries—making the area the envy of the diving world.

The Island of Cozumel is located in the Caribbean Sea just off Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula. It has everything you could need for an enjoyable, safe, and fun program.
San Miguel
Dive Mentor's main area of operation, including the Dive House where you will be in residence, is located in the largest city on the island, San Miguel de Cozumel.
Marine Park
Dive Mentor conducts it's diving operations for all courses within Cozumel's National Marine Park. You will conduct dives from the shore and boat.
Dive Mentor also conducts shore dives in the northern part of Cozumel, which is not a part of the National Marine Park. This includes several volunteer sites.
Dive Mentor believes strongly in taking an active role in helping to protect the Marine environment. One of the ways we do that is by conducting beach clean ups.
Dive Mentor takes your travel very seriously, as we want you to arrive safely and without any problems. We have a travel partner you can book through, if you’d like. This makes it much easier and more straight forward. Depending on the program and your port of origin, we can offer suggestions for carriers and flight times that you can use to book your travel. We suggest flying directly into Cozumel, but if you decide to fly into Cancun you will need to take the ADO bus to Playa, and then take a ferry to Cozumel. While students generally travel independently, they often meet up along the way. In most cases, Dive Mentor instructors or staff will meet students upon arrival. However, you may be required to make your way to our center.
Dive Mentor’s instructors are highly experienced, well educated, passionate, supportive, and energetic professionals. The average age of our instructional cadre is 32 years old. All scuba instructors have completed certifications in the subject matter they teach, and they have met specific additional qualifications required for the program they are assigned to. Many of our instructors and cadre have advanced degrees. In addition, all staff regardless of position, are required to pass an extensive background check. You can read more about our organization on our About Us page.
We deliberately keep the majority of our programs smaller to allow for more personal instruction. As a non profit, we are more concerned about the quality of our courses than how many people we can push through them. In most cases, the maximum number will be ten (10) students per program or location. This ensures that you receive the attention you need to succeed during the program. We strive for a balance between the genders in all programs, but in our experience the ratio between male and female students has little impact on the success of the program. That said, we seek to encourage women to enter into diving and marine sciences because the industry remains under represented by females.
Student to Instructor ratios depend upon the program and the scheduled activity. Diving is governed by published ISO and/or agency standards that all Scuba Instructors must follow. For example, during an Open Water course an Instructor may teach up to eight (8) students at a time, and that number can increase by two (2) additional students for every certified assistant (Instructor, Assistant Instructor, or Divemaster) supporting the diving activity. However, Dive Mentor’s policy is to generally not exceed a ratio of 1:4 for any diving activity. There are exceptions of course, such as during academic presentations or during outings. In all instances, our number one priority is your comfort and security. That means ensuring you are properly supported during your program to help you succeed at everything you do.
All program participants are required to have a minimum of $100,000 of emergency evacuation coverage, some form of international medical coverage, and coverage for scuba diving from an organization like DAN. We provide temporary DAN coverage for new students, subject to Terms and Conditions. However, if you’re going to become a Professional diver it makes no sense not to have your own policy.
Keep in mind that the cost of treatment, anywhere in the word, is considerable. In the Caribbean or Asia, for example, you can expect to drop $5000 USD just to get into a chamber. Whereas, if you have coverage, this will not be an out of pocket expense.
You can sign up to DAN here, if you like.
If you already have a policy that meets this criteria, we will collect the details from you upon enrollment. If you require assistance with coverage, we can also put you in touch with our partners.
Dive Mentor provides free high speed internet at the Dive House. The use of the Internet is subject to rules published in the Divemaster Handbook.
We are very sensitive to the fact that some students will have allergies or specific food preferences that will need to be taken into consideration. However, because we operate programs in other countries, it is not always possible to ensure a student will be accommodated. Please contact us to discuss your specific needs in advance so we can determine whether your restrictions will allow you to attend the program of your choice.
We provided free, safe, and clean hostel-style accommodation at no additional cost subject to strict rules, terms, and conditions. This is a perk of the program, but you are not required to stay with us during your Internship. You may, at your own expense, obtain a place to stay during the duration of the program. We suggest a budget of around $25 USD per day for shared accommodation. There are plenty of hostels, hotels, and apartments available and we’d be happy to assist you with information and suggestions. However, please note that there will be no reduction offered towards the cost of your Internship.
Ready to take the plunge? Why not complete your Divemaster Internship application?