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RSTC Medical Form

While Scuba Diving is incredibly fun and almost always safe for divers who follow well established rules, the sport does bring with it inherent risks. As such, you must complete an RSTC approved Medical Form. You may download it here and present it to your instructor. Please be careful that you complete it properly.

RSTC Medical Form Directions

Please read the following information about how to properly complete the RSTC medical form.

The correct way to complete an RSTC SSI PADI or NAUI medical release form

All divers, regardless of agency (SSI, PADI, TDI, etc) they’re associated with, must complete an approved RSTC medical form.

You need only print off and complete pages 1-2. If you need to provide details to your physician, the remaining pages are for them.

There are two occasions where you must have a physician sign off your RSTC medical form:

  1. If you write a “YES” on any question, you will be required to obtain clearance from a physician; and
  2. If you are engaged in any professional training or certification program (ie Dive Guide, Divemaster, Assistant Instructor, Instructor, etc).

Absolutely not. If you answer Yes to any question on the form, talk to your physician. In most cases, with his or her approval, you will be allowed to attend a program. But it is important that you discuss all of the details with your physician to make an informed decision.

Only a fully qualified and licensed physician. A nurse, nurse practitioner, or physician associate’s signature is insufficient.

We can only accept what you write on your form. If there is a Yes answer, you will be required to see a physician. We will not allow a change to the form once it has been submitted, and our integrity will not allow us to look the other way. Be sure to complete your form properly before you turn it in. If you require assistance on understanding any directions, feel free to ask.